Sabtu, September 15, 2007

7 guidelines for a better present and future

7 guidelines for a better present and future

If you want to make a positive future for yourself than the following are my 7 guidelines to a better present and future and you don’t need to buy some book or DVD. In fact, I’d say most good advice you receive in life will come from family, friends or research and exploration you conduct yourself, not something a stranger tells you (and if I’m a stranger to you then yes, that applies). I like the number 7, it’s a positive number. If you get three sevens in Vegas it usually means you win something.

  1. Put family first, friends second, yourself third, strangers last
  2. Work hard, play hard
  3. Learn something new every day
  4. Don’t hold onto stress, release it
  5. Eat right, exercise more
  6. Make choices in life that won’t ruin a good night’s sleep or make you wary of looking at the reflection in the mirror
  7. Smile, laugh, love, sing (yes, even off key), pray and cry as these are all vital release points

There, my non secrets about being successful in the present and future. Oprah probably won’t recognize or endorse them, I mean who endorses a guy who writes at a blog called Things That … Make You Go Hmm, but if you do those seven things above consistently, if you live by those guidelines, no crystal ball will be necessary to live a happier present and future life.
Myself, I’m weakest at #5. I don’t eat very healthy and my exercise regimen is terrible. I’ve tried to get a good exercise plan going, but it gets back burnered too often. As I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten better about releasing stress (#4) but that’s still a problem a few times a year. It’s amazing what a good night’s sleep will do (#6) and I feel successful about making good decisions I can live with (#6), which many times lead to making less money than I could have made by choosing a different path. Worth remembering that money and good decisions sometimes don’t go hand in hand.

As for #7 where prayer is mentioned, I don’t want to get too religious on readers here because I’m not a deeply religious person. However, I do believe it’s important to have some kind of spiritual belief and to spend a portion of life on earth exploring and developing this belief. Something to believe in that controls life beyond our earthly existence is a very real and necessary part of our species.

I’m not yet convinced there is a single supreme entity but I don’t consider myself an atheist either. I think there is something beyond life on earth and it could have one or more supreme beings in control, but I haven’t worked out the details yet.

I would like to think that people who have lived life honorably will go somewhere once their hearts stop beating. Heaven? Not sure, but there has to be something beyond this relatively short life we live. Something where our essence marches on. I’m fascinated by this subject but continue to search for the answers. One of my prayers is that my exploration on the subject will be complete before I die. I feel like the yearning years (retirement) will yield the greatest success in my spiritual journey.

The eighth rule (bonus)Because I like bonuses I’ve added one here for readers who made it this far in the list: serendipity. Remember me writing above that by doing several things you could increase the odds of having a happier present and future. I believe fate plays a role and that some amount of luck is involved. Even if we do everything right, we can still fail.
Even if I write the world’s best blog post ever there is a chance only a very small number of people will read it, that it won’t get slashdotted or dugg, be linked by major newspapers, get me on radio, TV and so on. Everybody, myself most certainly included, needs a certain amount of luck in each and every endeavor.

The biggest difference between those with more personal success and happiness are the ones who keep trying. You’ll fail a whole lot more than you’ll ever succeed in life but one, two or more lucky breaks will never happen if you stop trying.
Final thought: money isn’t everythingMy problem with a lot of self-help books is too much focus on “being wealthy” as if being wealthy means someone has lived the happier life. There are lots of hard working, good people who will never be wealthy and yet live a wonderful life. Having more money and stuff shouldn’t be anybody’s #1 goal in life. It’s not mine. Having more happiness? Now there is one to live by! Wealth can be very transitory. Ask those who had it at one point but don’t have it any more.
What are your guidelines to living a better present and future life?

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